*Personal Training

*Personal Training

If you need a personalized fitness program and a more challenging workout, then consider a Y personal trainer. Our nationally certified trainers will work with you to develop a customized fitness program to help motivate you to reach your fitness goals. The program combines strength training, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises.

Have you ever started a new wellness journey only to find yourself struggling to find motivation and encouragement to continue? Have you reached a plateau or a hurdle you can’t get over? The encouragement and professional knowledge of a nationally certified Y personal trainer can help.

Are you ready for a change? Personal training is your ticket! Now is a wonderful time to enroll in a personalized training program with a personal trainer at the YMCA. Lose weight, gain muscle, and improve endurance with a program designed specifically for your needs.

Looking for sport specific training? Let our personal trainers help! Sport-specific training focuses on performance enhancement and injury prevention.

Contact Information:

Thomas E. Hannah YMCA: Mary-Ladd Watts, mlwatts@spartanburgymca.org or 864.585.0306

Middle Tyger YMCA: Sherry Johnson, sjohnson@spartanburgymca.org or 864.433.9623

Willis Road YMCA: Santana Gonzalez, sgonzalez@spartanburgymca.org or 864.310.6400