Bench Press Competition 2021

Bench Press Competition 2021

Middle Tyger Family YMCA Bench Press Competition

1-Rep Max Contest & Endurance Contest

Saturday, October 9th



Competition for Women and Men ages 13 to adult. To be fair, formula used is weight lifted divided by body weight in each age and gender division for 1-Rep Max contest & gender and weight class for Endurance contest.



Trophy awarded to 1st Place winners in Women’s and Men’s Age Divisions and Overall Strongest Lifter. Certificate and gift awarded to every participant.


Entry Fee for 1-Rep Max & Endurance Contest:

Early Registration by September 30th –

  • Member: $25/contest or $40 for both
  • Non-Member: $35/contest or $60 for both

Late Registration on or after October 1st –

  • Member: $30/contest or $45 for both
  • Non-Member: $45/contest or $65 for both

Register at the Membership Desk or online at